Thursday, September 26, 2013

Throw Back Thursday - Pet Edition

In all of my talk about Baby J and Colin, I've neglected to mention another member of our family - our furry, four-legged child. 

She loves to sleep in duffel bags - but only the Vera Bradley ones

Kitty, the cat formerly known as Miley, actually belonged to my sister. When I moved back to NJ from DC, I lived with my mom and sister for about a year. It was during this time that my sister decided she was going to get a cat... and name it Miley. I can only assume this was after Ms. Cyrus who's twerking days we were still blissfully unaware of. 

A few months after my sister brought her home, she developed a skin infection which was allegedly due to a grass allergy (what animal is allergic to grass??), and was uh... sexually frustrated... causing her to make horrendous whining and crying sounds at all hours of the night. Colin and I took her to the vet to get all of the above issues taken care of and vaccinated and she's been ours ever since. Unfortunately, her name is still Miley on all of her paperwork but we never call her that.

Kitty & Daddy - April 2007

 We had to put a bell around her neck because she was so small and would often disappear into drawers and under beds where we couldn't find her.

Our little fur-baby

Kitty & Mommy - December 2012

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