Friday, September 13, 2013

High Five For Friday

So I'm still learning about some of this, a lot of this blogetiquette stuff. A few of my regular reads include a "High Five For Friday" post where you post about your top 5 moments of the week. I love reading them and it always makes me think about my own top 5 moments. And I think its important to take time to focus on what's good in life. I believe this lovely blogger  is the originator of High Five For Fridays and that it's the polite blogger thing to do to link to her blog (help me out if I'm wrong here).

So without further ado, here's my High 5:

1) Football season started. Which means fall which means my baby's due date. And also, the Eagles won. I'm a lifelong Eagles and Phillies fan but I've made an agreement with my husband (who is a Jets and Mets fan) that the baby could be a Jets fan during football season if he let him be a Phillies fan during baseball season. Seemed like a fair deal, right? Well, this drastically limits the time that I have left to cheer for the birds because I guess I'm gonna have to jump on the Jets bandwagon when little dude gets here. We can't be a house divided during football season! So this week, I celebrated a big Eagles win over the 'skins. Here's a fun video for all of you Philly sports fans:

2) Earlier this week I took a breastfeeding class at our hospital's learning center. While the class was mostly a refresher of things I had already read about, it reinforced my desire to make breastfeeding my baby work no matter what. I really believe that it is the only way that babies should be nourished until they are able to eat solid foods. Back in the day, there was no Enfamil or Gerber Good Start. If you didn't breastfeed your baby, he/she didn't eat. And babies instinctively know how to eat and where to find food from the moment they're born. Did you know that if you place a newborn baby on his mother's chest after delivery he will actually wiggle his way over to the breast and latch on all by himself? Seriously... Google it. I don't intend to try this because I also believe that we were given opposable thumbs for a reason but how amazing is that?

I realize times have changed and many women need to go back to work or will be separated from their babies for awhile due to health problems. But there are also breast pumps and cars and bottles and coolers. And where there's a will, there's a way. I know it's not going to be easy but many of the most rewarding things in life are not easy.

3) I made this the past two mornings and It.Is.Good. I used regular sugar instead of stevia because I don't eat any of that fake sugar stuff (more on that in another post), and I did not add whipped cream. But honestly, it's so flippin' good that you don't even need it. And I drank it out of a Mason jar which is way more fun than a regular old glass. 

Update: I made this for Colin over the weekend. His comment when I was pouring it out of the blender and into a cup for him, "It smells like fall threw up in there." I took that as a compliment. 

4) As of tomorrow I will be 35 weeks pregnant and I start my weekly OB appointments. I can't believe that we could, potentially, meet our son any day now! Here I am earlier this week taking my weekly bump selfie shot:

5) I signed up for a free trial of Audible and downloaded The Cuckoo's Calling as my free book and have been listening to it all week on my Kindle. I didn't know if I would be a fan of the audiobooks but so far, I'm really enjoying this one. The reader does different voices for the characters and I find that that helps me keep track of the characters and stay focused where I thought I would constantly be zoning out and rewinding. <-- is it still called 'rewinding' if it's not a tape??

That's all I've got for this week. Have a great weekend everyone!

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