Thursday, September 12, 2013

Everyone Has A Blog

It seems the thing to do these days is have a blog. Especially if you’re a twenty- or thirty-something girl who has kids, loves red wine, crafting, God, her hubby, her family, Pinterest, running, yoga pants, coffee, cooking, baking, makeup, shopping or any combination of the above. Well, those are all pretty fun and interesting things to a lot of people (myself included)… but why would anyone care about my opinion on any of them? Why should I start a blog? Does the World Wide Web really need another blog about winecraftingGodhusbandsbabiescoffee or yoga pants? Probably not. 

But you see, I’m presently unemployed – something I never, ever, ever thought I would be (but more on that later). And I'm 34 ½ weeks pregnant - something I couldn’t wait to be and feel so blessed to be (a LOT more on that later). And I’m still adjusting to this new and very unexpected place I've found myself in, and it hasn't been easy. I've been working, in some way, since I was 15. I have an MBA for crying out loud. I'm not supposed to just stay at home! But I am. Or I wouldn't have found myself being laid off from my corporate job in  human resources at 8 weeks pregnant. That was definitely not in my plans. But I'm learning very quickly that sometimes our plans are not the best plans. 

So this morning I was lying in bed, wondering what earth-shatteringly boring things the world of unemployment and pregnancy would bring today and reading my favorite blogs. And they were all written by these fun, smart, insightful, funny women who were sharing their stories and documenting their lives; whether it was recipes, parenting tips, fashion tips, career advice, or stories about struggles with serious, heartbreaking things like cancer or infertility. And I realized that I look forward to reading these blogs every day. And I get sad when there aren't any new posts. Because a lot of these women, who I don't even know, affect me in some way. For example, I turned to one of my favorite blogs when it was time to build my baby registry because I had no clue where to start and the author always seemed to have the cutest, most useful products in her little one's nursery. And another is my go-to blog for new hairstyles if I have an event to go to or am just bored with my current look. Many have provided dinner ideas when I think that having enchiladas again sounds like the worst idea in the world. Some I can always count on for a good laugh; others an insightful message. The list goes on.

And I had a light bulb moment. I thought, I can document this new and unexplored territory of unemployment and mommy-hood and give myself something fun and exciting to think about each day. I can start a blog. And who knows, maybe someone else can learn something from me too.

So I’m gonna try this blog thing out – if for no other reason than to document this new path that my life has turned down. We’ll see where it takes me.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your new blog!! :) Love adding another to my list
