Friday, September 20, 2013

High Five For Friday

Happy Friday! Jumping right in to my top 5 moments of the week...

1. The nursery tour post is almost done and should be up early next week! It was all I could do this morning to not skip High Five For Friday in place of this. I had so much fun putting both the room and the post together. Here's a little preview that some of you may have already seen if you follow me on Instagram. 

2. Fall weather. Need I say more? It's starting to get pretty chilly here, especially in the mornings and evenings. I've worn both a scarf and my Uggs at various points this week and it feels oh-so-good to be reunited with them.

3. I started my weekly doctor's appointments this week. For those of you who don't know, most obstetricians and midwives see their patients once a month during pregnancy until the 36th week (or 9th month) when appointments become a weekly thing. I don't particularly look forward to going to the doctor, but in this case it means we are one month away from meeting our little man.

4. I got a manicure and pedicure earlier this week and am headed to this wonderful place to get a haircut this weekend. This will probably be the last time that I get any sort of pampering before Baby J's arrival (and possibly long after). I wonder 1 - How long this manicure will last (I give it one more day before it chips), and 2 -When I'll ever have time to get a manicure again (I'm guessing sometime after never). 

Nail Color: Essie, Twin Sweater Set

5. In about 9 hours I get to spend two whole days with my better half. It sounds silly, but I appreciate our time together even more than I did before I was laid off. When we were both working outside the home, mornings were so rushed with both of us trying to get showered and ready for work, making coffee, scrounging breakfast, and making lunches, that we barely seemed to have time to kiss goodbye. By the time we both got home at night, we were so exhausted that evenings were usually spent zoning out on the couch in front of the TV, with our respective tablets/laptops/phones in our faces. Weekends were reserved for getting everything done that we didn't get to during the week - cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, etc. I'm not saying this isn't still what life is like sometimes, but not being mentally drained by the drudgery of a 9-5 job has really given me a chance to "stop and smell the roses," as they say. Even when we are cleaning the apartment or building baby furniture or grocery shopping, I'm much more mentally present. Now, I look forward to doing the most menial tasks simply because we're together.

Ok, you can all go make pretend gagging sounds now. I'm in love...get over it. :) And have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Love that you're blogging! It can be a great escape without leaving the house. :)
