Sunday, September 22, 2013

DIY Maternity Jeans & Other Pregnancy-Related Ramblings

If you're like most women, you've probably spent a decent amount of time searching for the perfect pair of jeans. You know - the pair that has a dark enough wash that makes them acceptable to wear at night, a butt that doesn't stretch out and get saggy, and a hemline that can be worn with flats or heels (and doesn't make you look like a freak who shrunk her pants if you opt for the latter).

Or maybe you have a particular brand or store that is your go-to for jeans and you buy a pair for every possible jean-wearing situation you may find yourself in. If you're lucky, that will also include pregnancy. For me, that store is American Eagle. I freaking love their jeans. Unfortunately, they don't sell maternity jeans (probably because most of their clientele is under the age of 20 and they don't want to encourage teen pregnancy. Smart move, AE).

Anyway, I digress. Way back when I wasn't pregnant, I set aside a few pair of AE jeans that had become too big for me, (I had lost about 15lbs. before becoming pregnant due to some dietary changes I made to keep my MS under control, but more on that some other day). I thought maybe I could wear them in the early stages of pregnancy when regular pants are still barely button-able, or use the old hair-tie trick to make them work.

I should stop here and say that both of these are great options for early to mid pregnancy. However, there will probably come a point when even the hair-tie trick is uncomfortable and you just want to pull a big, soft, stretchy piece of fabric up over (or under) your burgeoning belly and call it a day.  

Side note - I am aware of the belly band, and I do have one but I hated that thing. I was constantly fidgeting with it and every time I had to pee (which was often), it needed to be re-adjusted which I just couldn't be bothered with.

So, I did some Googling and found that with an old pair of jeans (preferably one that is a little big) and a stretchy tank top or a belly band that you hate, you can make your own maternity jeans! This is the tutorial that I used. If you're attempting this yourself you will need a sewing machine. Lucky for me, my mother is a seamstress who not only has a sewing machine, but also has the time to do stuff like this for me.

And so, my American Eagle maternity jeans were born and I love them! They are the only pair that I wear now and the only pair that will accommodate not just my belly but my hips, butt, and thighs - all of which have grown a little in the past 36 weeks.

I believe these are AE's Boyfriend cut jean. I think their Artist cut would also work well for this DIY. Basically, the lower the waist on the original jeans, the easier it will be to make them into maternity jeans.
Another little tip: If you opt to purchase your maternity jeans as opposed to making them; don't be like me at 16 weeks and think that only your belly is going to get big and proceed to buy a bunch of maternity jeans that fit you well then. Even if you don't gain a ton of weight, and even if most of it is in your torso, your hips have to get bigger to let Junior out and they will. I now have 4 pair of maternity jeans that are practically brand new but horribly uncomfortable to wear. Just trust me on this one. They might be a little big on you at first but you'll be glad you have them towards the end.
And here I am rockin' the jeans at 36 weeks and 1 day pregnant. T-minus 4 weeks to go! Ignore the no makeup look and Jets shirt. The Eagles already played - and lost :( - this week so it's officially Jets day in our house. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow I love your idea!! I am 23 and pregnant, and the only jeans I like how they fit are my AE Jeans. Sadly they are a size 0, I'm 16 weeks pregnant and the only way I can wear them now is with the button undone. They are low-rise so super comfortable. I thought about making my own preggo jeans. Because I cannot find any that fit the way I'd like. I went to google to see if anyone thought about this an I love your jeans. Hope I can do the same.
