Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What Did Parents Do Before Google?

I really don't know how anyone survived life at home with a new baby before Google. I guess there were probably a lot less things to worry about back in the day, and I'm envious of people who didn't feel the need to nervously look up the contents of every diaper or movement, sound, etc. that emanated from their baby. On the flip side, it's nice to be able to run to the computer whenever we're not sure about something and find that, usually, whatever it is that we're looking up is totally normal.

Here are just a few of the searches you would find in our Google search history from the past 2 weeks:
  • Does it hurt when the belly button stump falls out?
  • What if only part of the belly button stump falls out?
  • How to bathe a newborn.
  • What are the symptoms of pertussis?
  • Can you get a flu shot and the Tdap booster at the same time?
  • My nipples are bleeding, can I still feed my baby?
  • What is the difference between the baby blues and postpartum depression?
  • When do the baby blues go away?
  • When should PPD be treated?
  • What does a good breastfeeding latch look like?
  • How soon can you introduce an artificial nipple to a newborn?
  • How to sterilize baby bottles.

And here are some really helpful websites that we've added to our blog readers and bookmarks as a result of these searches:

Mommies - What websites do you turn to when you have a parenting question? 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am surprised by reading your title "What Did Parents Do Before Google?" how google can impact on your parenting? Well! if you want to learn about parenting then you need to visit website

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

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