Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday PSA: Yes, I'm Still Pregnant.

You know that saying, "If I had a dollar...?"

Well, if I had even a quarter for every time someone asked me any of the following questions...

Are you still pregnant?
Did you have the baby yet?
Is he here?
Any day now, right? 
Wow, you haven't had the baby yet? (This one might be the worst of them all)

... I wouldn't need to go back to work. Because I'd be filthy rich. The answer to all of the above, by the way, is "still pregnant."

Here's a tip to anyone out there who is thinking of asking a pregnant woman if she is still pregnant:


It's really not amusing, it gets old fast and, depending on how you phrase it, borders on rude. In the day of cell phones and facetweetgramtags, I'm sure you will know the answer when the time comes.

That is all. Have a lovely weekend! :)

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