Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Young People Worth Talking About

In the midst of Kanye West comparing himself to Jesus, Miley's ... I don't even know...  and the Kardashian divorces all over the news, it was refreshing to come across these two videos this week.


"There's a popular misconception that depression is being sad when something in your life goes wrong...but that's sadness. That's a natural thing. That's a natural human emotion. Real depression isn't being sad when something in your life goes wrong; real depression is being sad when everything in your life is going right." 
- Kevin Breel, 19

"Going to school is not only learning about different subjects. It teaches you communication. It teaches you how to live a life...And other than that, we learn about equality... It teaches students how to live with others. How to accept each other's language. How to accept each other's traditions and each other's religions. It also teaches us justice. It also teaches us respect. It teaches us how to live together. The solution is simple. It is education."  - Malala Yousafzai, 16

These teens are so gracious, humble, and eloquent. I hope that these types of people, and not the Mileys and Kimyes of the world, are the leaders of the generation that my children will be influenced by, work for and vote into public office.

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