Thursday, October 3, 2013

Nesting Is Real & Other Life Updates

I took a short break from my blog this week. For one, I didn't want to get into the habit of blogging on a daily basis (we all know that's not going to happen when the babe gets here anyway). I've also been dealing with neighbor issues - one of the many joys of apartment life, and I visited with a couple of friends this week.

And, I shamefully got sucked into season one of Orange Is The New Black. Did anyone else watch this? I have to say, if not for the convenience of watching the whole season with no commercials, I don't know that I would have been a fan. The main character is so whiny and annoying and I found the story lines to be really predictable. That being said, I watched the whole season in 3 days. <---Guilty.

So this whole third trimester emotional-crazy-person-fear-of-labor-nesting thing? Yeah, it's real. Last night I had a complete meltdown about labor and "something bad" happening. I joked throughout most of my pregnancy that I was probably going to have a terrible labor & delivery because my pregnancy was so easy. Well, I'm not joking anymore. I'm actually afraid that is what will happen on the big day. Last night, in between sobs, I told Colin to tell the baby that I love him and that it's not his fault if anything happens to me. That it surely would be payback for all of the awful things I've ever done in my life. Morbid, I know. Who thinks this way??

Probably someone who is afraid that her apartment is going to burn down because her neighbor and his druggie friends keep flicking their cigarette butts into the bushes outside her apartment! Or into a plastic tub sitting on their balcony with no water in it that ohbytheway, was on fire 2 weeks ago. I'm no scientist but I'm pretty sure fire + plastic = bad news. Unfortunately, there's not much we can do aside from replacing the batteries in our one, measly smoke alarm and discussing how I would escape a second floor apartment with a baby and a cat should the only exit be blocked by a raging fire. Smoking is seriously the most awful, disgusting habit and I'm ashamed to say that I've ever put a cigarette to my lips.

In happier news, I got a visit from an old friend and her brand shiny, new 5-week-old baby earlier this week. He is adorable and she looks amazing - not at all like someone who had a baby 5 weeks ago. They say pregnant people glow but she was radiating happiness. She calmed a lot of my fears about those first few weeks at home with the little guy and it made his imminent arrival seem even more real. And she brought us lots of baby goodies. :)

Which brings me to my next point. That whole nesting thing is absolutely not a wives tale. After my friend left, I realized that I could be her at any moment. This baby could come right now. And I was overcome with the urge to scrub our apartment from floor to ceiling just in case I went into labor that day. This, coming from the girl who cleans religiously every Friday (#loser #Ihavenolife). That was suddenly not good enough. It's like I never realized that I don't usually move furniture to vacuum and how could I have let this go on for so long?! I need to vacuum under the couch. Immediately. Because, you know, the baby is really going to care about that. It's a very strange feeling. Especially for someone who was pretty OCD about the cleanliness of her living space to begin with.

Also, everyone and their sister suddenly wants to see me before the baby gets here. What's up with that? I've been pregnant for 9 months, people. And unemployed (and pretty freaking bored) for 6 of them. While I appreciate the interest in my life and pregnancy, I also don't want to be in the middle of a steak dinner an hour from the hospital when my water breaks. Or on someone else's couch. Or in someone else's car. How embarassing. As you read above, I'm already pretty terrified of labor. I'm not super anxious to leave the comfort of my home (or yoga pants) at this juncture. I promise you will all get to see the baby and hear all about his grand entrance into the world because I'm planning on posting allllllllllllll about it here. In the meantime, have a glass of wine or a beer for me. :)

Sorry for the lack of pictures in this post. I don't have one of any of the above-mentioned activities (although I wish I had photo evidence of the plastic ashtray scene on my neighbor's balcony). I promise to be more exciting next time.

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